About Us


Master Anwar Hossein Smrittee Sangsad, Sandwip ctg. is our Head office.

Our organization provides social welfare activities.worldwide social networking to inspired peoples to do so.

What is our philosophy about;

SOCIAL WELFARE ACTIVITIES- social welfare activities is simply to do something good for society Country continent or universe. now the issue can be what we mean by society?

Simple to recognize for everybody even just a word but the scope of this is word involved with everything thru human living. the needs, demands or wants even wish.

Now very easy to come the things in our mind are we living in a society where every human can have that what they really needed wants or wishes. where ever we see there so much unfair role. human rights are just to say word only. Human rights are signboards word today.everywhere wherever we go and see there are injustice everywhere.

We do not have a magic to change world in a day,but we have to continue work for it, for change we are working for a common ground.whoever works for it we at the same agenda.

Education volunteer sports cultural programme devolopes our society.

We working for it.social networking is another important matter for us to communicate everywhere. who ever work for good things for non-profit for welfare, we are there with them.

Our concept to build not to break. we don"t want a claps for us but we want to see your hands are strong to do better things.







Anwar Trust Ctg have successfully done their council & convention on human rights and our society.
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